About Nelson Signs

The pioneers of sign writing in Hawke’s Bay

In the 1950s’ Bryan James Nelson ventured into the world of Signmaking. He then diversified into both screen-printing and t-shirt printing – quickly becoming the region’s foremost signmaker and screenprinter.

In 1989 he sold the business to his son Brent and since then the company diversified further into the specialist field of road sign manufacturing.

In 2023 after 8 years of partnership with Jason Petrowski. Brent Nelson retired and sold his share of the business to Jason Petrowski. In this time working together  they had implemented the latest computer systems/software, cutters, a state of the art HP latex digital printer and also introduced a Mimaki Wide Format Flatbed printer to the fleet.

An important aspect of who we are and what we do involves staying ahead of the game. We are constantly expanding our technical skills, as well as staying in line with the on-going advances in technology, products and application techniques. We ensure we stay on top – so you do too!

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